Friday, August 22, 2014

Channel 5 Comes to Truman

Some of Truman's Flyer Time classes wanted to do something to help students living in Ferguson.  They decided to collect school supplies and snacks and bag them up to provide a small welcome back goody bag for their counterparts when they return to school.  Channel 5 came by to talk to Dr. Sparks about the community service project.

Welcome Back

The 2014-2015 school year started for teachers and students with their Flyer Time class.  Flyer Time is a class that includes students from all grade levels to help promote a school wide community.  Students followed their regular schedule.

Friday, August 8, 2014

6th Grade Transition Day

Sixth graders had a chance to get familiar with Truman on Aug. 8th during 6th grade transition day.  Students had a chance to meet their teachers, walk through their schedule, get their locker assignment and meet students from other schools.  Flight crew members were on hand to help out and welcome the new students.

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