How would you reward your students for reaching their benchmarks on the eValuate test? Well if you're Brad Snyder you let them decide what clothes you'll wear and how you'll style your hair. So 7th grade math teacher styled his hair as a skunk and dressed like a bride.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Navy Visit
Truman 8th grade students enjoyed a presentation from sailors from the USS Harry S Truman. They explained about life in the Navy, what a normal day is like, where they have traveled and answered students's questions. The all agreed the hardest part of being in the Navy was being away from their families.
Crepe Truck is Coming!
The Crepe Truck is returning to Truman Middle School on Tuesday, May 27th and Wednesday, May 28th for French class students and staff. Plan in advance to enjoy a delicious crepe for either breakfast or lunch (or BOTH)! The truck will be parked again at the Parent Drop Off area from 7:40-2:15. Put it on your calendar now! YuuummmMMMMMMy!