Friday, May 24, 2013

Last Day Field Day

The last day of school was an example of what Flyer Time classes were all about.  Students spent the day as a whole community in special events set up by the school's character culture club.
                                           Click here to view these pictures larger
At the end of the day everyone met in the gym for a pep rally type event.  Dr. Sparks, Mr. Straatmann and Mrs. Pulliam gave an example of a spirit cheer.

Flyer Time classes spent the day in groups of 4 classes each.  At the end of the day they were told to break up into their individual classes and come up with a spirit cheer.  They had 10 minutes to create and practice their cheer and then gave a demonstration to their small group.  The winner of each small group performed for the student body and then 1 was selected as the winner for the Truman #1 Finger Award. 

Mrs. Nussbaum's class was the winning group.  They invited the rest of their larger group to perform with them. That is what the whole community school idea is all about.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Ms. Frank's Math Class

Ms. Frank's 6th grade class spent some time outside doing some math equations. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Truman Welcomes 5th Graders

5th graders that will be attending Truman next school year were welcomed today by different Truman groups.  Students got a chance to visit classrooms for information on what goes on at Truman. 

8 Gold's Science Fair Ribbon Winners

Truman was well represented at the Greater Monsanto Science Fair on May 2, 2013.  Team 8 Gold had students that won blue, red and green ribbons for their projects. 

Blue Ribbons:  Ruy Gonzalez, Kaitlyn Hoevelmann and Casey Natsch

Red Ribbons: Nate Blackwell, Anna Nickel and Cameron Spence

Green Ribbon: Nick Burns

 One of our Blue Ribbon winners and 2 of our Red Ribbon winners.


Blue Ribbon Winners at the Greater Monsanto Science Fair

Team 8 Green's Challenge Class had three projects entered in the Greater Monsanto Science Fair.  The judging was on May 2, 2013.  All 3 students won blue ribbons!

The winners and their projects are:

Amanda Meyer- "Musical Math Testing"
Alyssa (Aly) Vancardo- "Can One Differentiate Brands of Chocolate by Taste?"
Nathan Collins- "Falling For Faraday" which also won a special award from the American Industrial Hygiene Association.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

7th Grade Egg Drop

What happens when you drop an egg from a 3rd floor window?  That's was Mrs. Nussbaum's and Mr. Fee's 7th grade classes learned as they were studying Newton's Laws of motion.  

Task: Construct a capsule to protect an egg being dropped from a 3rd floor window (approximately 9 meters)

*     Must fit in a milk crate
*      Must weigh at least 600 grams (1.3 pounds)
*      No parachute, No peanut butter
*      Must be present for testing
*Violation of any parameters will result in a 5 point deduction

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mrs. Badino's Weather Unit

Mrs. Badino's students have just completed a weather webquest in which they collected weather data, analyzed the data, learned about various aspects of weather, and learned how to forecast the weather.  Besides participating in in-class mini-lessons and demonstrations, students were responsible for some of their own learning by moving through the webquest   They used a number of resources to access information.  Although this was a new method of learning for many of them, they learned a lot as evidenced in assessments and forecasting.  They now spend a few minutes each day forecasting the day's weather and comparing their forecasts to those of local meteorologists.  They are excited that their forecasts are just as accurate!
Here is the link to the webquest.