Monday, February 27, 2012

German~Fashion Show

At the culmination of Frau Jacob's clothing unit the students had a fashion show.  First the students created an outfit and then using the new vocabulary and grammatical structures they learned they wrote about those outfits in German.

Friday, February 24, 2012

8th Graders at Lunch

I had a chance to take some photos of the 8th graders during their lunch period.  Take a look here!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

MC/PTO Service Project

Jeanne Schutte is program director for Queen of Peace Center. They provide behavioral healthcare to women with addictions and their children. Related services include trauma, housing, transportation and childcare.

Sperreng MC/PTO has been doing a service project for the past 8 years. We wanted to continue this tradition at Truman MC/PTO. Jackie Natsch, 2nd vice president, suggested this center for the excellent programming they have to help women and children. We put the word out for items needed and our membership stepped up to the challange!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Truman Middle School Book Fair

The Truman Book Fair will be held in the library media room February 27-March 2, 7:30-3:00. 
Check out the Truman Book Fair online from Feb. 14- March 5, 2012.  All online orders placed during that time will be shipped to Truman for free.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

7th Grade Science

7th Grade Science classes dissected eyes from a cow. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fiddlers Perform at the Senior Luncheon

Truman and Sperreng Fiddlers performed at the Senior Luncheon which is held at Truman on the first Wednesday of the month.  The entertainment was enjoyed by all.
Click here to see more pictures.